Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Temperature

Corbin awoke feeling warm on Saturday and I made an offhanded comment that perhaps he was getting a fever.  I’m often paranoid and make such comments, so Chris took little notice and we didn’t do much about it. 

By the afternoon Corbin was really hot and VERY fussy.  VERY fussy doesn’t even really begin to describe his cries.  They were high pitched, loud, and constant.  I was about ready to go buy some ear plugs, oh my!  This was very unlike Corbin so we decided to take his temperature and it was 100.5.


I of course stayed super calm….no, not really.  I freaked out and had no idea what to do.  So of course the first logical step would be to go to the ER right?  No, of course not.  Luckily, Chris stayed collected and wisely suggested we call the doctor.  They said to give him some baby Tylenol and see if his fever went down. 


That made sense, so we followed those directions and Corbin seemed to be much better by evening.


So what did I learn from this  new experience?  That I really need to get myself together in “emergency” situations or Corbin is going to have one crazy momma…please do not leave comments about that one!

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