Tuesday, July 13, 2010

3 Month Q & A

I thought for Corbin’s 3 month birthday I would interview him to find out his thoughts on his first 3 months of life.


Q: Corbin, who is your favorite person?  (Is this a loaded question or what:)

A: My grandparents.  All of them indulge me with tons of attention.  Sorry Mom and Dad, but you seem to think you have other things to get done beside me 24/7.  But those grandparents really feed my ego and at this age that’s important.  These are formative years.  I’ve got them eating out of the palm of my hand!


Q: What is your favorite sound?

A: That would have to be my giggle.  I try not to give it out too often.  It’s my secret weapon.  When I really want to hook mom and dad I’ll giggle a little.  Then I sit back and watch them try to make me giggle again for several minutes later.  On the inside I’m cracking up, they sure do silly things.


Q: Corbin, what’s your favorite outfit to wear?

A: There’s only one choice because it sums me up.  This onesie says everything so I don’t have to.


Q: What is the biggest accomplishment you’ve had in the last 3 months?

A: I’m really mastering the skill of grabbing.  I think this skill might be very useful for me.  My favorite things to grab are my frog, giraffe, and occasionally Mom’s hair.


Q: Where is your favorite hangout spot Corbin?

A: My highchair!  Even though I don’t eat, I sure do love to sit and watch mom and dad.  Being at the table during meal times has really elevated my status.


Thanks for your honest and interesting answers Corbin.  Happy 3 months!



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