Thursday, July 29, 2010

Up, Up, Up


We’ve made a break through. For several weeks Corbin would lay on the floor and lift his head minimally.  I, like any good and normal mom, would lay next to him modeling and coaching exactly how to lift your head up. 

Well this week all of our (notice how I praise myself for his accomplishments…but I’m sure I had a part in this break through;) hard work and practice has paid off and Corbin is now lifting his head up high!

I’m sure Corbin was tired of me lying next to him doing my crazy head lifts, but nevertheless he is now doing 90 degree head lifts on a regular bases.

It’s been fun to see him lay on his stomach, perch himself up, and peer around. He is reminiscent of a groundhog only he smells better and we actually want him in our house.

Way to go Corby! What are we going to work on next? Oh isn’t momma fun!



Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Temperature

Corbin awoke feeling warm on Saturday and I made an offhanded comment that perhaps he was getting a fever.  I’m often paranoid and make such comments, so Chris took little notice and we didn’t do much about it. 

By the afternoon Corbin was really hot and VERY fussy.  VERY fussy doesn’t even really begin to describe his cries.  They were high pitched, loud, and constant.  I was about ready to go buy some ear plugs, oh my!  This was very unlike Corbin so we decided to take his temperature and it was 100.5.


I of course stayed super calm….no, not really.  I freaked out and had no idea what to do.  So of course the first logical step would be to go to the ER right?  No, of course not.  Luckily, Chris stayed collected and wisely suggested we call the doctor.  They said to give him some baby Tylenol and see if his fever went down. 


That made sense, so we followed those directions and Corbin seemed to be much better by evening.


So what did I learn from this  new experience?  That I really need to get myself together in “emergency” situations or Corbin is going to have one crazy momma…please do not leave comments about that one!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Giggles at Dinner

Corbin provided some delightful dinner entertainment the other night. I usually prefer a conversationalist at dinner, but his giggles more than made up for his lack of verbal skills.

He was in a very giggly mood, so we grabbed the camera to catch the action:

Monday, July 19, 2010



This weekend we went to Oklahoma to visit Corbin’s Uncle Brent, Aunt April, and Cousin Collin.  We also had the pleasure of taking Corbin’s Aunt Katie on the road trip with us.  Below are a few of Corbin’s highlights from the weekend.


Aunt Katie really adores me.  What can I say, when you’ve got the looks, the charm, and the personality people are bond to flock to you:)


Oh no…watch out for Cousin Collin.  He sure loves to give me kisses, but sometimes, he loves on me so much it hurts.


Is he laughing at me?  I’m so confused, what’s going on?  Collin what are you laughing at…let me in on the joke, I’m sure I’m old enough to understand.


No place better than being in the middle of all the attention!

We had a great time visiting with everyone and hanging out in Oklahoma.  Corbin can't wait to go back and hang with Cousin Collin again.  They are best buds in the making:)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Bumbo Seat


You all said it would happen; time will fly, Corbin will grow up fast, and I will be sitting wondering where my baby went. Well, we are taking small steps in that direction.

Corbin no longer is content to lay in my lap. He wants to sit up. He’s constantly working on pulling himself up to a sitting position…“trying” being the key word. It’s really fun to watch him work so hard, and he’s so determined to sit up on his own.

However, there are times where I just want him to lay there like he used to. I have to stop myself from saying “no Corbin stop trying to sit up, just lay there for me.” I don’t want to stunt his growth and have him laying in my lap as an adult, so I push him and work with him to practice sitting up. Even though, at times, my heart hurts to see him grow up, but another part of me is SO excited to see him grow up and change. There are the oxymorons of parenting again….joy and angst all at the same time.

Anyway, to aide in his desire to sit up we tried him in his Bumbo seat and he seems to like it for the most part. He was a little unsure at first, but on the next couple of times in the seat he seemed to find a new friend in the Bumbo seat.



Tuesday, July 13, 2010

3 Month Q & A

I thought for Corbin’s 3 month birthday I would interview him to find out his thoughts on his first 3 months of life.


Q: Corbin, who is your favorite person?  (Is this a loaded question or what:)

A: My grandparents.  All of them indulge me with tons of attention.  Sorry Mom and Dad, but you seem to think you have other things to get done beside me 24/7.  But those grandparents really feed my ego and at this age that’s important.  These are formative years.  I’ve got them eating out of the palm of my hand!


Q: What is your favorite sound?

A: That would have to be my giggle.  I try not to give it out too often.  It’s my secret weapon.  When I really want to hook mom and dad I’ll giggle a little.  Then I sit back and watch them try to make me giggle again for several minutes later.  On the inside I’m cracking up, they sure do silly things.


Q: Corbin, what’s your favorite outfit to wear?

A: There’s only one choice because it sums me up.  This onesie says everything so I don’t have to.


Q: What is the biggest accomplishment you’ve had in the last 3 months?

A: I’m really mastering the skill of grabbing.  I think this skill might be very useful for me.  My favorite things to grab are my frog, giraffe, and occasionally Mom’s hair.


Q: Where is your favorite hangout spot Corbin?

A: My highchair!  Even though I don’t eat, I sure do love to sit and watch mom and dad.  Being at the table during meal times has really elevated my status.


Thanks for your honest and interesting answers Corbin.  Happy 3 months!



Sunday, July 11, 2010

Lesson Learned by Another


Who knew swim diapers aren’t as absorbent as regular diapers?  The packaging sure claims to hold massive absorbent holding powers.

Who knew swim diapers were best put on right before swimming and taken off right after swimming? 

Who knew?  Not me.  Who found out…Janel.  How?  She got peed on.

Oh poor sweet Janel was at the pool loving up on Corbin who was wearing a swim diaper (and had been for a few hours).  When she calmly said “I think Corbin peed.”  So calm was she I almost didn’t understand.  But it quickly dawned on me that Janel had Corbin pee dripping down her legs and puddling onto her chair.

She was just calmly waiting for me to get it together and take my child from her.  Oh poor sweet, pee soaked Janel helped me learn some lessons about swim diapers.

Thanks Janel! Corbin sends his apologies. 

corbin sorry 

*(I can’t believe I didn’t have my camera with me.  So this event went undocumented by pictures :(

Friday, July 9, 2010

Captain Adorable and the Evil Frog

Psst…Captain Adorable wake up!


The evil frog is on the loose again and we need your help to stop him.


“Yuck, a frog!  I’m not so sure that’s something I want to deal with!”

Please, you have to help us.  If you don’t who will?


“Ok, I’ll do it, but you owe me big time for this one.”


“Humm, now where is that frog?  I seriously don’t want to be doing this…little scared."


“Ah ah, I got you frog!”


“Hey, don’t you be jumping away.  I’m supposed to be stopping you!”


“Rat’s, I’ve lost him.  I’m not quite mobile yet, so I’ll have to think of another plan to stop him.  You may have jumped away this time, but I’ll get you!  Watch out frog.”


Captain Adorable, we have located the evil frog again.


“What?  Really?  Oh my, I’m on it!”


“Drats, locked up and imprisoned before the fight really began.  I must find a way out.  Oh, I see you evil frog.  I’m coming for you and I’ll get you or my name’s not Captain Adorable…and it is!”




“Now you’re in jail….right where you belong!”


“I’ve got this superhero stuff down.  What can I say, all in a days work. Now it’s time to kick back and relax with a good book.”


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Cooking with Corbin


Corbin went into the kitchen with me the other day to help make some delicious treats to take to the lake. He laid right by the counter curiously watching me cook and I’m sure eagerly awaiting for the finished product. I felt like I had my own cooking show with an audience of one.

corbin smile

Anyway, as I was cleaning up I began to think that Corbin’s position on the floor, so close to me, may not have been such a good idea. I am a messy cook. Upon closer inspection…yup Corbin had bits and pieces of goodness all over him. Good natured, laid back Corbin didn’t really care or probably even notice the crumbs perched on his head.

corbin crumb

I did give him a bath to clean him up from his afternoon of cooking with mama. Next time I might put him a little farther from the action;)

corbin bath

(This by the way, is one of the rare smiles we have gotten during bath time.  He doesn’t hate baths, but being this happy is unusual.  Corbin most often just sits there with a concerned look on his face.)

Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July


Corbin experienced his first boat ride this weekend! He was unhappy at first about his life jacket, but we stuck the pacifier in his mouth and threw him in the boat anyway…isn’t that what any good parent would do?

During the boat ride he neither showed joy nor contempt. Most of the time Corbin kept his eyes shut, sucked his pacifier for dear life and seemed to just indulging Chris and I in our excitement for him to experience the lake. Thanks Corbin!




The rest of the weekend we spent hanging by the lake and then going to play with Cousin Collin. Oh these two are going to make quite a pair when they get older. I have a feeling that their dads are going to get them in lots of trouble…egging them on to do things that the moms may not necessarily approve of;)


On a side note, Chris and I deserve parental awards for not bathing our baby in 4 days;) Yup, the poor child.

Sunday, I was holding Corbin and I noticed a very black spot on his head. I rubbed it and it felt hard and crusty. “Oh my goodness, it’s some type of scab that I hadn’t even noticed,” I thought. I alerted Chris of the matter, he looked at it, and unconcerned said he thought it was some type of sticky substance stuck to his head. What!?!

Does this slight oversight reflect badly on our parenting? ;) We just got busy at the lake and Corbin was going to sleep earlier than usual and we just never got around to bathing him. Oh my, poor Corbin. You know it’s time for a bath when you have food stuck to your head (and you don’t even eat solids)!

So, like good parents we waited until the next day to give him a bath. (Seriously, we weren’t at home on Sunday and by the time we did get home he was asleep for the night) But, first thing Monday morning we bathed the child, promise. :)


“Hey, mom and dad, I could use a little help here.  I have food stuck in my hair.  Honestly, it’s been four days, could you clean a kid up.  I really need to be smellin’ fresh for the ladies.  And right now, I don’t”