Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Trunk or Treat 2010 -- A Barn’s Story

Our church did a “trunk or treat” for the first time this year.  We thought it would be fun to participate, so we signed up to decorate our trunk and hand out candy.

We were given a cow costume for Corbin, so I immediately knew our theme should be a farm.  I thought, “how hard could that be?”

Well, it seems that everything is always a little more complicated than one first thinks.  But, with the help of my dad (big shout out to him!) Chris, my dad, and I constructed a barn to go into the back of the car. (It only took one Saturday, two boxes, many long conversations, a picture, and some paint but we finally got something made to resemble a barn…nope, not as easy as I first though;)

But the hard work was worth it.  This barn was going to be the focal point of our theme, the main attraction, the object that would unify Corbin the Cow and Chris and I as farmers.

So with the barn in place and a few other touches we had The Williams’ Farm.


But despite all our hard work on the barn many people overlooked it.

Corbin, the cow, stole the show.

So many people only had eyes for Corbin. We didn’t even need the barn.  In fact we could have had an empty car trunk, put Corbin in the back and people would have thought it was the greatest.


Don’t get me wrong the kid was cute, but so was the barn:)  And to add insult to injury, if people came by a second time the barn still was not noticed.  Nope, there was a second show stealer…the John Deer combine.  Put Corbin on top of that and well it was all over.


So, the moral of the story is when you have a cute kid (and most parents think they do) don’t put so much effort into making anything.  Just make sure the kid looks cute and you’re covered.


Despite the barn’s lack of attention we still loved it and had a great time at trunk or treat!

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