Thursday, November 4, 2010

Crimson and Blue

(The post was titled red and blue, but I was informed that KU is officially crimson and blue.  Who could tell that? From everything I see about KU, it looks red to me.)


Chris is of the theory that we should start brainwashing, I mean exposing, Corbin to KU everything early on so he develops a deep seeded love, devotion, and respect for those Jayhawks.

So, on KU gamedays you will often see Corbin dressed in KU gear or least the colors of red crimson and blue.

Here are a few pictures depicting the early education Chris has given Corbin of KU devotion:

Checking the scores and the Phog message boards to get all the latest information.


A comfy place to sit back and tell stories of the glory that is KU.



  1. This post makes me want to vomit, the only salvaging part is how cute Corbin is. I choke back my own vomit everytime my inlaws buy Little Man KU stuff. Ughhh... I pray they are just too young to remember it all anyways. By the time they are in high school I can whisper subliminal KState messages into their ears at night.

  2. haha...Just like his cousin. As I was changing Collin's diaper first thing this morning, he started chanting "Ka Jew", "Ka Jew". Meaning "KU, KU". Brent yelled from the other room, "That's my boy"!

  3. Love it!!! It is good to start early. We too are exposing Jaycee to crimson and blue and KU b-ball right now.
