Friday, March 1, 2013

I’m That Mom

I continually approach new situations or look ahead to new opportunities and think I’m not going to be “that mom”.  But then I get into those situations and I am!

Corbin started swimming lessons this week.  It’s the first time that he had lessons without me.  We took child + parent classes last year a couple of times and they went well, but I knew he needed to start learning on his own.

We signed up for lessons with a local swim club.  These lessons are made for learning how to swim. No games, no songs, no “playtime”; it’s down to the business of learning to swim.  I appreciate that because he’s had enough time in the water.  We frequently go to the lake in the summer, and he loves the water so now he needs to become a proficient swimmer.

One of the criteria for these beginner classes are for the parents to stay out of view so your child can not see you.  By being there the parent is causing a distraction.

I’m totally on board with this.  I understand the reasoning why.  I am a teacher.  I get how it’s best to have each student’s undivided attention and keep them focused.  I just didn’t realize how hard it would be for me as a mom.

So our first day we show up and are waiting.  Right on time the instructors line up in front of the room and call out names of their students.  Then the little kids go running up, the instructor goes out the door, the little ones follow (hopefully!) and off they go to the pool.  That was it!  No explanation, no introductions, just off to swim.

I was left sitting in my seat, looking around, starting to become “that mom”.  That mom, who is teary because her baby just left with some stranger to jump in the water without her.  I was that mom who wanted SO badly to peek into the pool and see how he was doing.  I was that mom who paced the room like a caged animal just waiting for the ending time to arrive.  I was that mom --- how did this happen!?! 

I never thought I would be.  I didn’t understand how people could act like that.  They are next door, with capable people, really I should let it go and enjoy this time to read a book.  But, nope, I was that mom who wondered, paced, and watched the clock thinking about Corbin the whole time.

Well, the time came to pick him up.  I went to the pool door with his little towel and he said he had a great time.  His instructor said he was a little nervous, but did great.  We just need to work on blowing bubbles.  (He’s never been able to do that.  He always sticks out his tongue!).  The sweet instructor said it was cute, but really there was an underlining message – get to work in the bathtub and get that kid blowing bubbles.  We’re on it!

Anyway, it was an interesting experience.  Another step in the growing-up process which I’m totally excited to see happening.  I really loved that he skipped off with his teacher and willingly went to the pool with her.  I’m SO happy that he had a great time and wants to go again.  I am very grateful he’s growing up and having new experiences on his own.  I just didn’t realize what that would mean for me.  That I would have to deal with some different emotions and that I would have to do some growing myself.

Ahhh, parenting. Who knew!

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