Thursday, August 19, 2010


“Ready to go Corbin? Excellent, I see you are, no need to reply.”


I was feeling good about myself today. Here we were 20 minutes before we needed to be at our destination ready to go and looking good. These days that’s not always the case.

In particular every other Thursday morning we have a little play group we go to, and the past few times we haven’t been able to get there on time. Multiple poopy diapers, late nap, hunger strikes, and a very long stuck train; those are some of the reasons we have been late. But today, today was different and we were going to make it.

Or not. Here’s what I saw…yeah, a flat tire; perfect!


I knew exactly what to do. It only took seconds to devise my plan….call Chris and he’ll come home and rescue us. I made the call, he answered, but he did not give me the response I had envisioned. Instead of “I’ll be right there”, it was “just sit tight.” He said, “there’s an air pump in the garage, use it to air the tire, and drive to the tire place.” Umm, excuse me? Did you just say I have to air a tire up? Never done that, and I’ve never used an air pump. A tire gauge…what’s that?

Ok, so yes I know that’s sad and yes I SHOULD be educated on these things, but I’m not because I’ve never needed it, until now. After a quick flash of panic and feeling of helplessness, I bucked up and went to work. After a short time I did have the pump out and was in the process of airing up the tire when my sweet friend down the street came driving up. She is much more talented in being handy and fixing things, so she very competently took over and helped me air the tire and then followed me to the tire place.

After an hour and half of waiting, with a baby, in a lobby, with not much to do, I had a tire that was drivable and I was on my way. Just another first for Corbin and me:)


“Seriously, what a day!”

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