Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Stomp Rocket

I have been waiting and waiting to open one of Corbin’s birthday gifts because I thought I needed Chris to help me.  But every time Chris was around it was raining, very windy, or we were busy.

So yesterday morning it was beautiful and I decided to put my “big girl panties” on and try this gift  out myself.

The gift is a stomp rocket and just that name alone suggested that Chris would be helpful.  But nevertheless, I bravely grabbed the box and went outside to put this thing together.

I didn’t know what to expect, but to my great and utter relief it was super easy to put together and use!  There were only 3 steps and they were all basically pushing pieces together….no tools, no complicated diagrams…yea! 


So, if I had just read the box and looked at the instructions earlier I really would have saved myself some worry and trepidation about this whole toy and done it way sooner.  But oh well:)

After putting it together I tried it out.  It’s really as the name sounds.  You stomp on a pad and the rocket flies….really high actually.  It was fun!


Corbin and I had a blast stomping and watching the rocket fly.  Well, most of the time we watched it fly.  Corbin did have some less then stellar stomps that resulted in less then desired heights;)IMG_8109



I believe Corbin’s face captures the joy he had of watching the rocket launch up into the air!

This is an excellent toy that I would highly recommend.  I’m sure if you are all into science you could probably have a wonderful lesson on what science properties are being exhibited…but I’m not so much into that….I need Chris for that;)

If you’re looking for a great summer activity try the Stomp Rocket…it’s a blast!


1 comment:

  1. We love ours too. Did you see our post about playing with ours on my birthday evening. Warning: the rockets are so light they will stick in trees and on roofs! :) We love to play with ours. Thanks!
