Sunday, June 10, 2012


We had a play date yesterday and it was fun to watch these two little guys interact.  They are becoming the best of buddies!

They both love to play with trucks and they raced around the house with the trucks, cars, and buses.


But you can’t chase each other all morning.  So Corbin decided that the block bag would make a great “man-purse”.  That’s an official term, Webster’s dictionary defines a man-purse as a carrying case for men, yet similar to a large purse for women rather than a briefcase.

This is really in style and all the rage, so Corbin was just trying to get in with the trend:)  He walked around for a long time with that bag picking up little treasures to put inside. 


His man purse even went outside with us for a little while, but then he decided it got in the way of kicking and running (whew, daddy was relieved;).


Father’s day is coming up, maybe a man-purse is just the gift for the dad in your life.  I know Corbin and I will be checking them out for Chris;)

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