Tuesday, March 6, 2012

“Crafty” Creation Calamity

We had an empty diaper box laying around the house and Corbin was done playing with it.  So I was going to recycle it when an “crafty” inspiration struck.

Now if you know me, “crafty” inspirations NEVER hit and when you read what I did I doubt you will even classify this as crafty or an inspiration, but for me it was both.

As I was picking up the box I envisioned in my head that I could create a tunnel out of the box.  Corbin loves tunnels and I was sure that the minutes I spent creating this little masterpiece would be enjoyed and lovingly played with for hours. 

So I went to work cutting and taping together a little tunnel.

I then proudly presented by “crafty” gift of love to my child.  I watched as he inspected the tunnel and then pushed his truck through.  He had a full minute of play when he then decided to be a boy.


He tried to crawl through it.


He tried to sit on top of it.


And then he just picked it up and went Godzilla on me.  The tunnel was thrown on the ground multiple times and Corbin seemed to revel in the destruction.


I watched in horrified terror as my child destroyed my “crafty” gift of love.  My affection was stomped on, my giving was thrown in my face, my love rejected….too dramatic?  Well ok, maybe it is, but for this momma who isn’t crafty and doesn’t make things very often I was heartbroken to see my creation treated in such a manner. He’s almost two years old, doesn’t he understand? ;)

Oh well, this whole incident just validated my desire to remain uncrafty.  Even if “crafty” means spending four minutes with a box and a pair of scissors…I’m done, I’m retiring even that much of an effort;)

1 comment:

  1. it's 1, almost 2 o'clock in the morning, I dearly miss my son having his paci...for I am listening to screaming but I just busted out laughing thanks to this post. def needed that. ;) thanks for sharing!
