Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Harry Potter

Yup, I’m a Harry Potter fan and I went to see the final movie this weekend.  It was fabulous!

I do recommend reading the book first before going.  There’s something about reading the book and being an active participant in imagining what’s going on, all before seeing the movie and what someone else has imagined.

I started the Harry Potter books not by choice.  I was forced to begin reading them in college when I took my elementary literature class.  But once I finished the first chapter of the first book I was hooked.


The Harry Potter series is well written with such descriptive language the reader cannot help but be brought into the community of Hogwarts where Harry explores the magical world.

If you’re not a Harry Potter fan and don’t understand what all the hype is about…read the books!  I highly recommend them for children and adults.



  1. Ohhhh I can't wait to see it in the theater. We finally rented Part I this weekend. My goal was to watch them back to back. So hopefully we'll go see the movie this week!

  2. Is that a new chair??? Just being nosey...:)
