Saturday, June 5, 2010

Fish, Lizard, and Snake…Oh My!



Corbin, over here….


There you are.  


What did you think about our walk today?


Interesting and different. I can see that written all over your face.

Corbin’s right. The walk we took through our little neighborhood should not have held such adventure but it did.

It began as any other.  I power walked the stroller around the block and then went down a tree lined walking path.  As I’m almost halfway through the path I notice a glowing item just ahead.  What could that be I wonder.  So I approach slowly and to my horror, dismay, and wonderment it’s a dead fish on the ground.


(I even took a picture of it.  I try to have my camera with me.  You never know when a blogging moment might present itself and I need to take a picture.  And aren’t we all glad I had it this day:)

Weird!  From my limited education in animal science I’m pretty sure fish live in water and there is no water to be found around here.  So how it got there is a mystery to me. 

Anyway, we continue on and go out of the walking path and back on the street. A few minutes later as I’m walking along I freeze, heart beating, and scream.  (The scream was a slight decimal above human hearing so I’m sure I can safely assume that none of my neighbors heard and peered out of their front window wondering what that crazy lady was screaming about.)  I couldn’t hold it in….there in front of me lie what appeared to be a big black lizard.


Upon closer inspection this is what I saw.


Clearly not a true lizard, it was a toy. (Although I never looked really close nor did I touch it just to be safe.) So, I added to my craziness and whipped out my camera to take a picture.

Corbin and I bravely continued on and went back down another wooded walking path.  What would be the chances that nature would come at us again.  Boy, I was wrong.

As I was walking I heard the sound of grass rustling, but it’s Kansas and I thought it was the wind. The sound continued to get louder and then out of no where a gigantic striped snake slithered out of the dark shadows of the grass and right into our path! (If you ask someone else who saw the snake they might say it was a small garter snake.) I screamed, cried, and hastily ran away on shaking legs.  (I now know what motivates me to run.)  I didn’t take time to get a picture…I’m not that crazy.

Needless to say after all this Corbin and I hightailed it home, shut the door, and stayed inside.  I think I prefer nature from the indoors. 

1 comment:

  1. Your walk sounds a lot more adventurous than mine ever are. Glad you guys had fun though!!!
