Sunday, March 8, 2015

It Came

The days are long and the years are fast. 

These words often flowed through my head when Corbin was in the newborn, baby, and toddler stage. I knew that it was true, but I hadn’t felt the truth of those words yet.  Until now.

I feel the years flying by.  Corbin is almost 5.  And “IT” came.  Another sign that the years are slipping by faster than I realize.  “IT” came and I thought I would be super excited…and I am to a degree…but “IT” also brought a quick dose of reality.

“IT” came – kindergarten enrollment paperwork and dates for observations and parent meetings before the new year starts.  We go in two weeks to a parent meeting. 

In two weeks I’ll be sitting at his future school meeting his future teachers…what!?!?! 

Seriously, I can’t believe that my little guy will be headed to kindergarten.  That he will begin his journey into primary education. 

I am of course excited for all that he will learn, but I am also terrified of all he will learn.  I still have him home with me more days than he is away.  I still feel like I control the influences that around him.  Soon that won’t be the case. 

My prayers have increased.  A sense of urgency to build strong his character and values have increased even more.  This is the beginning of the end.

I have 13 more years with my little guy at home.  I have 13 more years to be a daily influence on him.  I already had 5 years to build and mold him.  Now, I start the process of slowly letting him go and slowly letting him figure out who is.  I pray that he follows God, finds loyal and true friends, and that he always is mindful to show love to those around him.

“IT” came – the kindergarten enrollment packet.  And with it came a reminder of my job as parent.  Teach him to know God and to become an adult capable of carrying out His will. 

Yup, I got all that from a kindergarten enrollment packet; who knew that could teach me so muchWinking smile

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