Monday, March 9, 2015

Going up the Mountain

My 34th birthday is tomorrow.  Now, that’s not old by any means, but it is getting older.  And I have really discovered, since I hit my 30s, that age does bring on some things.

I once did not understand some of the things “older” people talked about.  But, now I am gaining more clarity.  Age really does make a difference.

You know you are getting older when…

*music playing too loud or at all in the car annoys you.

*you actually are ok with talk radio.  There’s a soothing and calmly quality to those voices that can sand off the annoyances of the day.

*a coffee date is now an opportunity to have a few minutes to talk with your spouse about your financial spreadsheets, projected financial forecast, and go over the 401K.

*you can not twirl more than twice without getting extremely dizzy and disoriented.  Corbin spins around a ton and I do one turn and call it quits.

*children and teens around you have no clue to the references you make because they were either too young or not even alive! 

*people you babysat now have kids of their own.

*you don’t feel as old as you are.  College was just a few years ago you think, when in reality you graduated over 10 years ago. 

*staying up until 11:00 pm is hard and even harder in the morning.  It takes a few days in fact to recover.

*when you get AARP cards in the mail. 

*when your group of friends has passed the engagement stage, wedding stage, and now the baby shower stages. 

I’ve also found that getting older is more settling, a more focused and deliberate time for personal growth, time with friends is sweeter (b/c there is way less time for that), and your family is so very precious. 

I am looking forward to getting older and experience life at each age and stage!

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