Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Mom Fail #259

I’m sure the number of fails is higher than that, but since I don’t technically keep track those are the numbers my little fingers typed out.

I’m not a mom who rushes to the doctor. I don’t want to be that mom who has the doctor give you that look and say it’s just a cold, drink water, sleep, and eat healthy. Umm, ok thanks, so glad I paid half of my retirement fund to hear that advice.

I try to be rational and really assess the situation and like most people have my husband utilize WebMD. 

Well, Corbin started not feeling so well late Sunday afternoon.  He had cold-like symptoms and some yellow gunk collecting in his eyes.  But it wasn’t terrible, so we continued with our plans of having dinner with friends.

(Sidenote: before we continued with our plans Chris diagnosed Corbin with pink eye through the help of the internet.  I scoffed at the suggestion, but he recommended we warn our friends and let them decide if they still wanted to meet up.  “No, no,” I said, it’s just a cold and it’s not that bad.  I’m SURE it couldn’t possibly be pink eye.)

That night he got worse.  I was up multiple times and it was a long night.  But, Monday morning dawned and his eyes seemed better than they had all last night.  He still had some yellow gunk come out here and there, but not very bad.  So, I figured, yay we are on the mend.  We’ll stay home, rest, and recover.

Tuesday morning he looked even better.  Pat on the back to me!  We hung out till late morning and I monitored him and he seemed well.  So, I loaded him up and off we went to story time at the local library.  Halfway through story time he looks at me and his eyes are yellow infested balls of mucus.  Oh my heavens above!  I wiped and prayed this was a one time flair up.

But, nope, by the end I was mortified I had brought my son to the library.  On the ride home his eyes were half covered in gunk. 

All morning…all morning there was not one sign of gunk, why did it rush in during story time?  Why does this stuff always occur in public?

I call the doctor, and we rush over.  One look and she declares: pink eye.  No problem she says, just give him some eye drops (six times a day!) and keep him away from others because it’s highly contagious.

Uh oh, highly contagious, you say?  So the 12 other families that we just saw this morning…we should have stayed away?  Or the family that we ate with Sunday night when my husband thought that perhaps he had pink eye…we should have stayed away and I should have listened?

Oops, mom fail.  Pink eye in the house!

1 comment:

  1. ugh....so sorry! Where do you think he got it from?
