Friday, May 18, 2012


Lately, when Corbin has been awakening from his naps he will lay in his crib and say the alphabet, count his numbers, or sing a song.  After he completes one of the above items he gives himself an enormous round of applause, a huge “yea!”, and then often a “good job!”  And I do mean these are loud claps, hollers of "yea”, and shouts of “good job”…nothing timid about his shouts of praise for himself;)

Yes, he’s already developing a healthy self-esteem:)  That’s good, there’s nothing wrong with giving yourself some claps and cheers for a song well sung or the alphabet well said. 

I applaud you Corbin for cheering on yourself when no one else is around to do that.  I hope you always continue to do that!

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