Monday, September 27, 2010

Weekend Away

Chris and I took our first weekend away, without Corbin, since he was born.

We had a great time in Kansas City.  We spent time eating, shopping, and watching the Chiefs game. And wait for it….they actually won!


While we were living it up in KC;) Corbin spent the weekend at my parent’s house having a marvelous time!



Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Baby proofing our house might have to start a little earlier than I thought.

I put Corbin in his bumbo seat to play while I was in the kitchen washing bottles.  I came back and this is what I found Corbin into.  (Even at 5 months when they are too quiet it probably means they are doing something they shouldn’t be.)


Yum, the computer cord.”


“What?  I wasn’t supposed to put that in my mouth?”


“Oh, well in that case…”


“I was really just reaching back here to play with my other toys. The cord just landed here on its own.


“See mom, just playing with my blocks.”


“You really need to look into that jumping cord.  It could be dangerous.  Love you!”

Friday, September 17, 2010

Corbin’s Career

Corbin decided today on a future career. I told him it might be a bit early to make a final decision, but for now he feels fairly certain he wants to be a sailor.

So, he has started preparing himself for this future endeavor.

He is reading all about the sea and boats.


Corbin has also enlisted two of his favorite buddies to help him out: Mr. Puddles the dog and Flappy the bird. I don’t know if they are as excited as Corbin.


These days Corbin just sits around and daydreams about life on the high seas.


Well luckily Corbin has a few years and then college to attend before he heads off for his life at sea. And who knows, by then he might have changed his mind….let’s hope!

Monday, September 13, 2010

5 months

Corbin is 5 months old today.

Wow, hard to believe he’s been around in our family for almost half a year. 

Needless to say he has changed and grown as babies tend to do.

Lately, his newest accomplishments include eating solid foods, getting two bottom teeth, sitting up well with a little assistance, and rolling over consistently one way from his stomach to his back.






Saturday, September 11, 2010


Today was taxing; I slaved, sweated, and stood on my feet for a whole half hour over a hot stove and a Cuisinart food processor. All for the love of my son.  Just call me a domestic goddess, mom of the year, queen of my domain. ;)

I made my first attempt at making baby food for Corbin.  He’s shown a lot of interest in food, but he’s not such a big fan of rice cereal. 

So, I decided this weekend that, in addition to morning cereal, we would start an evening veggie.  First up: peas!

(Let’s take a moment to pause and let me put a disclaimer on this post.  I did not endeavor to make baby food because I’m a whole-health nut, gotta-go-organic person.  I just thought that since Chris and I eat veggies – and we’re trying to eat more – how hard could it be to just take those and puree them up?  Really, it’s as simple as that.  And honestly, as I reflect, it’s a little disappointing that I don’t have a soapbox to get on or a cause that I would like to endorse about store-bought baby food; it would make this post a whole lot more controversial and who doesn’t like a little drama in the mix…maybe I’ll work on that:)

Anyway, moving onward with my tale of domestic achievement. As you’ll see the complexity of the steps to make this baby food is a little overwhelming.  So, I have clearly labeled each step to ensure that the “average” person could easily follow.

First:  Open a bag of peas and dump them into a steamer, then steam for seven minutes.


Second: Dump the steamed peas into the food processor and puree.


Third:  Pour into ice cube trays to freeze for future use.


Finally:  Eat and enjoy!


“What in the world?  This crazy lady is at it again.”


Do I have green on my lips?”


“Whatever, it’s fine.”


“Mom….mom, maybe that’s enough for right now.  The spoon’s blocking my face from the camera.”


“Fine, defeat for today.  Give me the peas, I can take it.”


“Oh I’m full.  All done for today.  What?  I still have green on my face...are you kidding me?”

So, the first attempt at making and eating was pealicious. 

We’ll see how long I get to wear the title of domestic goddess. ;)


Corbin, what do you think?



Thursday, September 9, 2010

Corbin’s Letter

Dear Computer,


It’s been hectic around here these days. Dad’s working on a huge project at work that is taking up a lot more time than usual. So, he hasn’t been around as much.  Fortunately, that will only be lasting a few more weeks.

As for mom, I still see her everyday, all day long, but she’s been busy too. I guess she is getting ready to take a big test called the GRE. She has decided to go back to get her masters degree in Library Science and has to first be accepted to graduate school. Part of that acceptance is taking this test.


So she’s been studying, Daddy’s been working and that has been leaving me with some free time these days; I’ve been productive with this time by searching the internet and doing some self-learning. I’m also thinking about starting a book. I really think there’s a market for a book written by a baby about babies. Wouldn’t every parent like to get inside the mind of a baby….we’ll see how it goes.

Oh computer, I’ve gotta go. Mom’s looking for me. I guess it’s time for a nap again. Oh well, I’ll make it a short one and be back soon!


Monday, September 6, 2010


Nothing says morning like a hearty breakfast of rice cereal…yummy!

Saturday morning was Corbin’s first experience with ‘real food’ (if that’s what very milked down rice cereal is called).  Overall, it was a success.  He took the spoon readily and did not spit out copious amounts.  In fact, I think some actually went down.

He didn’t eat very much before he seemed done with the work required to eat, but for our first attempt he did well.  We shall continue this every morning and then move on to other delicious treats later!


“Umm, excuse me, is this breakfast?  I don’t even know what this is.  Where’s my bottle please.”


“Ok, I guess I’ll deal with it.  So, I’m supposed to swallow this stuff?”


“It’s certainly not my bottle, but I’ll deal with it.”

**Side note:  Don’t we all wish we could look this adorable at 6:45 am!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Oh No He Didn’t….Oh Yes He Did!

Drippy. That word, when said, brings to mind bad things. A drippy nose, a drippy faucet, or worst of all a drippy ice cream cone (what a waste of precious goodness when this happens). These were the normal things that came to mind for me, until now. I have a new mental image when someone says drippy: a drippy diaper.

Oh yes folks, it happened…to me…out of town…in public…by myself…no backup.

I got knocked off my high horse yesterday. I sit and listen to moms talk about how they have had diaper explosions or projectile vomits or even massive spit ups. And I just sit there and listen, thinking in my head I’m so glad my baby doesn’t do that. Wow, he’s so good, I’m sure he will continue to be wonderful and never embarrass me in public with such massive displays of bodily fluids. Oh poor other moms, but for me and my baby it hasn’t happened. Extra clothes in every diaper bag at all times? Nah. Extra clothes for mom? Even more ridiculous, not for me. Huge supply of wipes and diapers? No, not needed, but thanks for the advice.

Boom! That was me falling off my horse, onto my butt, and humbly crawling back to the stables with all the other moms who have fallen before me.

Yesterday, Corbin and I were at an eating establishment having lunch, just the two of us. We’ve never done this before, but it was going so well. Corbin was cooing, giggling, and playing so nicely while I ate my delicious meal. In fact we had a man at the table next to us comment on how great my baby was. Yes, I was feeling so content and happy…this mommy thing I’ve got it down.

Then I went to pick Corbin up out of his car seat because he needed to eat. I’m being the good mom and talking to him as I get him out, he’s smiling, I’m smiling…ahh let’s get a picture of the bliss. Now, lift your nostrils to the air and get a wiff of a massive, smelly, runny poop that comes pouring out of my baby’s bottom when I lift him up. This picture of bliss quickly turns to a picture of terror! Sheer and utter panic runs through my body. I’m standing with poop dripping down my shirt, my pants, arms, and onto the floor. (Again remember we are in a restaurant…people are trying to eat…gross!)

I only had one option. I was all alone so I had to leave all my belongings except the diaper bag, which I literally threw in my mouth (everything else was covered in poop) and dashed to the bathroom leaving small dots of yellow nastiness in my wake. I wanted to melt into the floor next to the dots of nastiness and be wiped away. I wanted to leave my baby on the floor and go, “who’s baby is that covered in poop? Seriously, someone needs to take care of that child.” I wanted to escape, to avoid having to clean this up.

When I made it to the bathroom - which was only a one person bathroom - there was no changing table so I put Corbin on the tile floor. What else was I to do? I know, gross, bathroom floor, and my baby’s laying on it. Then, as I’m reflecting back on it (to my embarrassment), my baby is lying on the cold tile floor covered in poop, and I go to the sink and begin to try and clean myself up. Yes, I said myself. Nope, I didn’t go to my baby first. I let him sit in crap while I cleaned myself up. I’m SO embarrassed. That does not win any mom awards I’m sure.

After I tried - with little success - to clean myself up I began to tackle the challenge of cleaning up Corbin. But quite honestly, for about one minute I just sat there not sure where to begin. I was running low on wipes, I had no clothes, I had only one burp rag, and not a bag in sight to put the dirty clothes.

I used each little wipe as economically as I could and just began to wipe and clean up the best I could. I took his clothes and folded them up so the poop was on the inside and laid them in the bottom of my bag. (Oh they reeked, oh my poor bag reeked…I get a little nauseous just thinking about it.) Once he was sufficiently clean, I put a clean diaper on Corbin and…nothing else. I had no clothes with me.

Taking a deep, deep, breath I walked out of the bathroom with pooped stained clothes and an almost-naked baby. I walked with purpose, keeping my eyes trained on our table. I didn’t want to look around and see if anyone else was viewing the complete and utter humiliation that was occurring for me. I then proceeded, while holding my almost naked baby to take flimsy little napkins and clean the inside of his car seat and the floor. My face was flaming red, I was in a full-on sweat, and I just wanted to die.

But I got the cleanup job done, buckled Corbin in to his car seat and hightailed it out with the little dignity I had left in tact.

Oh yes, “drippy” now brings a whole new picture to my mind.

As an add on to the story. I was out of town and really needed to go to Target to get formula. So, yup, I went. At this point at least Corbin had clean clothes (from the bag that was in the car holding all the precious supplies I needed), but I myself was still stained with poop. What a mom will do for her baby!


Sorry Momma, but…


when ya gotta go ya gotta go.


Love me!