Thursday, December 22, 2016

“The Lost Semester”


Due to the changes in our life – and by “our” I mean me going to work full time – this blog has been neglected and pushed to the bottom of my ever-long to do list.

However, I am now on my first day of Christmas break and trying to rectify the neglected time I have spent with this blog. Feel free to check back periodically during the next 2 weeks because I will be putting up pictures of different family Christmases. However, after my break has ended I make no promises…it might be all quiet on the blog for another semester, who knows!

For now, to get you caught up on all-things Corbin I have given you a link to a Sway presentation that I created. This will give you a quick pictorial look at Fall Semester 2016. And by a quick look, I mean quick because I noticed that there are many events that happened (i.e. Thanksgiving) that I have no pictures for.

So what this really boils down to is that you will see the pictures I did take during this time period. Whether these are really important events of this semester or not is of little importance, it’s pictures I had.

With that amazing lead up I’m sure you can’t wait to view the not-really-but-could-be-interesting-or-important-pictures of Fall 2016.

(Mom and GG once you’ve clicked on the link push the arrow buttons at the bottom of the pages to move forward in the presentation.  It will not move on it’s own.)

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