Monday, June 15, 2015

Children’s Museum

A rainy day at the lake = fun ideas from Grandma and Grandpa!

So, Corbin and I were at the lake this weekend, but going out was prohibited by the multiple rain showers and downpours happening.  But not to worry because the grandparents had a plan…the Children’s Museum in Topeka!

It was a total hit!  There were so many things to do, build, and create there.  We all enjoyed watching Corbin!

Here we are making music (and I use that term loosely) in the music garden.



These tubes had air flowing through so the balls would stay up.  But, I liked that you could build and change the tube configurations which then in turn would change how the ball acted.  We all had fun playing with this.


We checked out the car above and below.  (The below part, where Corbin slide under the car, was not his strong suit.  It really took him some effort to figure out how to lay on it slide under, and get under the car.  So maybe mechanic is not so much in his future.)


This was my personal favorite.  A magnetic board with a variety of pipes and tubes that could be connected and moved around to make a path for the ball to go down.  Mom, Dad, and I made a pretty great one if I do say so myself.


There was a glass cased little building and the kiddos got to paint the windows.  It was a fun and cute idea.


Here’s the light table.  The blocks had different colored inserts and looked pretty sitting on top of the table.  Someone from our group, she will not be named, really enjoyed creating pictures with the blocks and even began taking blocks from the child…Grandma;)


We had a great time exploring the children’s museum.  Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!


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