Friday, November 4, 2011

Our Book Recommendation

Corbin LOVES to read books.  Don’t get me wrong, I love that he loves to read.  But oh my, there are some days where I just can not handle reading the SAME book again and again and again and again….


But I know that repetition is important, so I do it.  We own many books, but to keep things interesting for me and Corbin, I have been going to the library every few weeks to pick out some new books.  (Although when I have to return them and they are no longer in the house…well you can imagine Corbin is devastated for a few hours and does not understand.  But that’s another issue:)


Anyway, this week I found a book that both Corbin and I enjoy reading.  (That’s always a plus when it’s read at least 20 times in ONE day.  Really it’s not an exaggeration…I only wish it were)


Dog’s Colorful Day by Emma Dodd is an awesome book.  It incorporates color recognition and counting into an engaging story about a dog who becomes filled with colorful dots during a busy day.


Corbin enjoys finding the different colored dots on the dog and seeing the dog become more and more colorful as the story progresses.


I like the number aspect of the story because it is a visual and interactive way to count the spots on the dog. 


If you are looking for a good read, try Dog’s Colorful Day!  It has received two thumbs up in our house:)

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