Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Haircuts and 100

I outdid myself on the title, didn’t I?Winking smile

Chris decided that he would buy clippers and start cutting his own and Corbin’s hair. I declined to have any part of this craziness.

However, Chris has done this two times already and each time he has improved. In fact, even the first time was passable. There were a few uneven and imperfect areas, but overall I knew it was better than what I could do.

So, hurray Chris for having the guts to go out and cut hair. Now I have an extra $25 in the budget to put towards my clothes budget, right?!?

Here is the master at work.


Looks like a satisfied customer.


Corbin had to get all spiffy for the 100th day of school on Monday. And since he is in kindergarten this is a big deal. The kids were asked to wear 100 of something.

So, we did eyeballs.

99 in the front…


and 1 in the back…


Not only did we have to buy and create his 100 thing shirt, but we also have to create a valentine box, get all his valentines ready to hand out, have a recent horizontal photograph, 4x6, printed off of Corbin and Dad, buy gift cards to restuarants for a kindergarten basket they are raffling off, and last but not least send cash with Corbin to buy a class gift for his teacher and a support staff at his school.

Kindergarten has been way more tough for Chris and I than for Corbin. The homework is killing us….when’s summer??

1 comment:

  1. That shirt is adorable!!!!!! Our 100th day is Friday, but we just have to send items this year. The good news is that each year gets easier because you kind of understand what is coming up and the prep work required of parents.
