Thursday, December 27, 2012

Calling You

Corbin likes to talk…a lot.

Although I enjoy my conversations with Corbin and I love to hear what he has to say, sometimes my ears need a break.

So, what do I do?  Hand him an old cell phone and let him “call” others.

And he does!


He usually “calls” Grandma, Grandpa, and Daddy.  And boy do they get an earful.  He tells them about his day and if we happen to be in the car they get a running commentary of what we are driving by.


It’s actually really fun (and funny) to listen in on his one sided conversations.  Oh this boy has so much to say!

My favorite one liner from these conversations:

“Oh, I gotta go…Mom’s driving too fast!”  (This kid  thinks I drive too fast on an almost daily bases, but I’m not, really I’m not…really:)

So if your ears are needing a break, just try handing your child an old phone.  It just might work!


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